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Todaayyyy kan , hara is very happy oo .
why ? hara pun tiaa taw . kahkahkah .
But borink juga sbb guru2 meeting nhe , so no teachers in the class
From the begnning , to the end .
kerja dkt klass , MAIN !!!! xD !
Hari nhee , hara MISS hara pnya adik , Sooo bad !
ntah npa =.=
' adik , mish eu so mash mash mash '
hehe , my plajaran is goin well .
Uhh , since hara jd plajar form3 ne ( PMR CANDIDATES)
byk nhe homwork .
hara pnya fav.korean drama pun lma suaaa dtgglkan .
Ehh , hara mo tguk suaa balek .
emm , hara tiaa ska tdur ptg , although hara pnt .
sbb nnt mlm hara akn tdur lmbt , jd bgn lmbt laa . hehe
i think that's all for today .
Overall , today was Oke :) i enjoy !! xD

Thanks Read

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