
Today was oke larh , nd trlalu boring
Btw , bsuk mau jumpa genk dkt library , then take lunch together .,
Ececeh , im soo happy bcause HOLIDAY suaaa >< CHINESE NEW YEAR
im glad bcause i can relax for a while . ( ayat skema )
emm , Dont have homeworks nhe , just nota etc
But that's fine for me .
Btw , today my adik balik daaa dri asrama ,
sab cuti kan . i cant wait to see her!!
mish her so mash mash mash . kehkehkeh
Hari ne jgaa , sy dapat gula2 nhe .
ahaxx !!
after holidy , mayB kami akn ada some TEST .
pray for me so that diz cuti i can study :)

p/s :: Targetting 9A for this FIRST test !!!
Wish me Luck

Thanks Read

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