
Anyeong Hasaeyo !!
Hello2 !!
lmao =.= now , kmi maC bercuti sempena CHINESE NEW YEAR .
although brcuti nhe kan , every mornink kami akn ke skolah ..
bcoz kami ada klz arab .
Huh !
but today was hilarious and exhausted .
Kami blek lmbt and sy pgy brjemur d panas2 ..
ahaha .
Then on the way balik rumah ,
we went to Hospital's Canteen and i met my old friend AMIRAH AFIQAH
mengecewakan . why ? bcoz already jumpa dy but tiaa btgur .
emm , At least , brtnya kabar or sumthing .
But nd bwt plak gtu . Frust =.=
Today jgaaa, i got this one BAD news .
How sad !!
its really hard to explain but I TELL YOU .. sungguh menyedihkan .
IDK what to do tadi , almost hilang harapan , kahkahkah << [ lol ]
thanks to some of my friend yg give me some kekuatan lae .
InsyaAllah , i can solve this problem A.S.A.P !!
duhh ! :( now i dont know wht to write eh .
I think that's all for today ,
Overall , Today was OK !
Thanks Read

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