
Bunny Pictures, Images and Photos

school school school

hara is very very very exhausted !!
but hara happy bcos hara is not da class monitor anymore !
being a class monitor is soo memenatkan .
but thats fine , 1year mnjdi klass monitor ,
although sometimes i didnt like it , but itu memberi pengalaman
:) im proud !! hahaaa xD

ok , back toda topic , talkin about school , i wanna shar something :)

1st day at school

soooo boring ! pagi2 pegi tmpt segar minda ,
then ada sdikit cramah and sumthing lyke that ,
then spotcheck , and hara went to class and doin nothing !
Believe me , its booooooring !!

2nd day at school

School start as usual .
datang lewat skit , jam 6.35 gtu .
bru mo msuk klasss , then kna suruh ke tapak segar minda dah .
Hara is very tired ok , cant they understand ?
Urghh ! dalam bengang2 , hara jalan juak pg tapak tuu
Then , kna cramah ..
Hara mo tdur jam dsna tuh .
plajaran brmula sprti biasa .

3rd dat at school

today is ok , tapi today mcm telebih nhe
hara pg skolah and then segar minda spt biasa .,
then today , hara tau spa guru klass and da assist
we manage to vote our new class monitor . . congrats to Mr.Ishak and Mrs.,Tatey
jaga klz baik2xc .. hara managed to be Bendahari only .
But its fine bcos hara like to be , duit kan . hahahaa
eh eh , dun get wrong >< although hara loves money , 'mncuri tuh nd men la arhh :)
byk nota nhe . and last subj is arab , hara almos fall asleep , mngntuk .
suaa sakut prut tem tuu . tba2 nhe . haaaa
today hara blik almost jam 1.40 . :)
but thats alrite larh !!

Overall , today is a good day . Hara Happy :) :3

BUNNY STARS Pictures, Images and Photos
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