i love my life

i love my life... Pictures, Images and Photos

i love my life Pictures, Images and Photos

i FREAKIN love my life now !
simple life but meanigfull !
dulu , my life was okey , but now ,
my life is full of mystery and advanture ,
Hoho . pa la yg sy ckp nhe ~~~ ? adeiii xD !
well well well ,
i want to tell you sumthing , about my day at school .

The 4th day of school

wake up early and start my day as usual .
But datang skolah lmbt ckit nhe .
Then , study study study .
i wonder , now i love to study . knp nd dr dulu lg ?

Innocent Pictures, Images and Photos

my tmpt duduk kan , d atasny ada kipas .
Tiap pagi , kipas tuh msty brpusing dgn lajunya - well , thats his job - lol xD !
and everyday always kesejukan nhe . its too cold !

anime sweet girl Pictures, Images and Photos

ohya , one more thing , slalu pg skolah awal pagi kan ,
nd trbreakfast nhe . so tem dkt skolah ,
me and my friends slalu rasa lapar !!
tem rehat koperasi la tpt yg akn kmi kunjungi . xD ! hahaa

Cute Din Pictures, Images and Photos Overall , today was oke ;)
Thanks Read

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